Sweet Meat (Open-pollinated)

(Curcurbita maxima)

Sweet Meat is a large, long storing, and very flavorful Oregon heirloom introduced by the Gill Brothers Seed Company in Portland in the early 1900's. Carol Deppe, a plant breeder and the author of The Resilient Gardener and other gardening books, has been selecting Sweet Meat (Oregon Homestead strain) for emergence in cool soils, a small seed cavity, exceptional flavor, and long storage. Carol's stewardship of this variety has helped maintain and improve it, and the wide readership of her books have inspired many Oregon gardeners to grow it. Other strains are available from other seed companies.

From the Gill Brothers 1963 catalog: "Sweetest squash tested. Longest keeper also. Texture of meat is very fine grained. It is as sweet as the finest sweet potato. Meat is very thick, making this a heavy squash averaging 15-20 lbs. Vigorous grower usually free from disease."

Sweet Meat must be ripened for several months after harvest. Eat on or after Thanksgiving! Can be stored into spring.

  • long-storing

  • fine flavor and eating quality

  • versatile in the kitchen

When to Find/Eat: November - March