Small Wonder (F1)

(Curcurbita pepo)

In general, C. pepo varieties are not considered “long storing.” These include pumpkins (or what Americans call pumpkins), spaghetti, delicata, and acorn types. In general, we recommend these are the types of squash you buy and eat in the fall and early winter. They don’t need to cure and don’t store as long.

Spaghetti squash is unlike any other squash. It is very low in sugar and therefore calories, making it a favorite of those following a low carbohydrate diet. As you might expect from its name, spaghetti squash can be forked into strings after baking or steaming and is commonly eaten as a pasta substitute.

In our project we grew Small Wonder, a small single-serving hybrid variety known to have more flavor than other spaghetti squash varieties. Small Wonder is extremely long storing and amazingly high yielding, especially when grown dryland. Seed can be purchased from Territorial Seeds among other places in the US.

  • good well

  • very productive

  • good storage

When to Find/Eat: September - February