Rosa del veneto Radicchio

Rosa del Veneto is a radicchio very similar in appearance to Rosso di Verona, but bright pink in color, instead of red. The name is an Italian double entendre since ‘rosa’ means both Rose and Pink, and the heads are definitely pink and often shaped like a rose. These amazing radicchio are relative newcomers to the pantheon of Radicchio, apparently discovered in a field of Rosso di Verona, and selected and re-selected to accentuate the pink color.

Rosa del Veneto are less refined than their red cousin, being younger and still, apparently, moving through the awkward tween years. Many heads of Rosa del Veneto are shaped like a squashed football, like Rosso di Verona. Others, have a more open architecture, layers of overlapping leaves open to the sky, more so resembling a rose than a football.

These stunning pink heads are perhaps the most bitter variety of radicchio out there, but because their pink color fades when cooked, Rosa del Veneto are definitely best served raw.

When to Find: January-March

Varieties: Rosalba

Chef Tim Wastell’s Tasting Notes: “vibrantly pink and coral colored”

“When used raw, Rosa’s delicate, crinkled leaves offer only a small fraction of the bitterness with which its cousin is usually associated, making it a delicious and seasonally appropriate stand in for romaine lettuce in Caesar and other popular salads.”

“In high heat applications Rosa’s radiant pink color quickly fades, but it’s seemingly fragile texture shows toothy resilience, and its flavor transforms into a wonderful balance of slightly bittersweet nuttiness and smoky charm. An ideal candidate for ravioli filling, flatbread topping, or a welcome addition to a warm salad of roasted sweet potatoes.”

“Unequivocally vibrant and unique in the realm of winter greens, Rosa Radicchio could be crowned the ‘gateway chicory’ for its sweet, mild flavor and delicate yet resilient texture.”