January King Cabbage(OP)

The history of January King can be traced back over a century to northern Europe. We got our seed from Territorial Seeds, but the variety is available from many different vendors.

  • savoy type

  • purple wrapper leaves with green interior

When to Find: November - January

Chef Wastell’s Notes: “January King cabbage delivers rich, robustly sweet flavor and seemingly endlessly adaptable texture.”

“The most deliciously ‘meaty’ cabbage that I’ve worked with thus far.”

“Bittersweet, savory and slightly piquant when sliced thinly and simply dressed with lemon and dill.”

“Both slow grilling halved cabbages and roasting wedges in hot cast iron with a quick trip to a hot oven are successful to the point that one may not want to venture further than a drizzle of spicy olive oil or an anchovy heavy herb salsa to compliment January King’s balance of deeply caramelized flavor and resilient texture.”