Artichoke Garlic

Artichoke is a type (i.e. a large group) of garlic. You can read about other garlic types in our zine. Another softneck type that lends well to braiding and rarely ever bolts making it easy to grow in many environments. Mild, vegetal and simple in flavor.

Storage: Up to 10 months after harvest

Varieties: California Early, Polish White, Inchelium Red, Lorz Italian, Island Star, Corsican Red

Chef Tim Wastell’s Tasting Notes for ‘Polish White’:

Raw: Very bright “green” tasting, piquant flavor, medium heat level

Cooked: Balanced savory/sweet flavor, smooth on the palate, low heat level

Culinary recommendations: Raw into tomato and stone fruit salad, cooked whole cloves pureed into soup (cold vichyssoise or hot celeriac), as filling for pasta